I hope you all are enjoying yourselves today! We’ve decided to just stay home and take it easy today. Well, except for Drew who wanted to finish spreading mulch around our bushes and flowers outside! I had a rough night with Laura and I’m super tired (and a little cranky) today. Although, I am looking forward to our surf & turf tonight 🙂 Last night we let the boys do some sparklers. (There are photos on Flickr, but all of my family photos are F&F only, so if you would like me to add you, please ask. Though I can’t guarantee I’ll “friend” you if I don’t really know you, sorry.) This morning I also took Laura’s one-month photo and that’s up there as well. After I finished my pictures this morning I realized that I had nearly 600 pictures on my sd card, so I finally cleared that off.
Tomorrow Drew’s mom and aunt are coming up and bringing the hutch that goes with Noah’s bedroom furniture (which is really Drew’s old set). Hopefully I won’t be as tired as I am today. ::Yawn::
At any rate, I hope that your day is full of good food, good friends, and lots of fun. I’m sure next year we’ll be up for something more exciting, but this year it just ain’t happening.
Thank you for stopping by my blog 🙂 I’m adding yours to my Google Reader.
Hope you and your family had a great 4th of July!