Big Mac Attack

book.jpgI am not ashamed to admit it: I love fast food. Well, some of it, anyway. I know that these days everyone claims how much they hate it, and while I do hate the fat and calories, I can’t say I hate some tastey burgers or tacos. Then, earlier this week I heard about the book “Fast Food Fix” by Devin Alexander. It sounded like a cook book I would really enjoy so I ran out and got it. The first recipe in the book is a makeover for my favorite sandwich, the Big Mac. (I found the recipe online too, if you want to try it without buying the book.) So last night I was depressed about my laptop and I decided to give the recipe a try. Oh. My. Goodness. It really tastes as good as the original! I was stunned… stunned! I can now make healthier Big Macs at home (and they are so easy!). After all, it’s all about the sauce, and her recipe totally is it. I also made up and froze some tiny square burgers to make Slyders (Drew’s favorite) when we get back from vacation. The other made-over recipe I can’t wait to try is the one for Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich. I am going to have a lot of fun experimenting with recipes from this cook book! 

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