Yesterday we finally got over to Greig Farm to pick apples and pumpkins. J. had already gone apple picking on a nursery school field trip, but we’d nearly finished those and besides — I just plain wanted to go! We thought we’d go and pick out a pumpkin first. Unfortunately, this has been a crummy year for pumpkins and there was no pick-your-own, but we chose two small-ish ones that had already been picked. (Later on we did buy two enormous pumpkins to carve at a big box store… I felt a little guilty about it but all the big pumpkins at the farm really were pretty bad).
The apples were all a little past-prime, too. After trying apples from several different trees we finally found one where the apples weren’t wormy, mealy, or totally bruised, and we picked a huge bagful. (I uploaded some photos to Flickr if you’re interested).
After that we went out for lunch and then did some grocery shopping. J. and I made an apple pie when we got home, then he helped put firewood from the woodpile in back into a cart and haul it down to the garage to be stacked. Then we grilled steaks (a last hurrah before having to store the gas grill for the winter), which were just OK. I need to learn that it’s just better to buy beef from my preferred grocery store and not WalMart. Every time we buy steak from WalMart it tastes strange. Anyway! It was nothing a little ketchup couldn’t fix. Then it was on to the apple pie with cinnamon ice cream. It came out so good! J. was very pleased with himself.
This morning I’m doing nothing but trying to keep the house clean, which is quite challenging with my two little monsters tearing about the place. (At 9:30 there is a house showing. I’m not overly optimistic because no one is buying houses at all, but you never know when it’s going to be “the one” so I still have make sure everything is absolutely spotless.) N. is currently napping so as soon as he wakes up everyone is getting in the car and we’re headed to the store for a couple things I forgot yesterday.
Two knitting projects need to be finished up this week. I can’t talk about them until they’re done because they’re gifts and I don’t want to give anything away, so you’ll just have to wait to see photos! Have a good day, everyone!
We had the same problems when we went to get apples and pumpkins for Lorelei… we had to buy everything already picked… so now I am busy making her apple sauce to eat… I hope the showing goes well… and that it sells soon!