Happy Homemaker… Tuesday

Yes, yes, I know that it’s supposed to be Happy Homemaker Monday, but I did not have a chance to sit down and blog yesterday. And since this week marks my official return to being a homemaker, I couldn’t not post. Right? You see, my husband started a new job this week. It is very exciting, but where he’s been working from home for the last 10+ years, he now is back to an office. That meant that it was necessary for me to leave the library. It was part-time (and let’s be honest – it wasn’t like I was raking in the big bucks, LOL!). Someone obviously has to be home with the kids, so here we are!

Honestly, I’m okay with it. I do miss my co-workers and the patrons, but it was hard for me to balance everything I needed to do (forget about half the stuff I wanted to do — like blogging). So… let’s get to it!

The weather in my neck of the woods:
It’s hot and humid today, but I can’t complain much because it hasn’t been too bad yet this summer. There may be some thunderstorms today, and it’s supposed to cool off a bit later in the week.

Things that make me happy:
St. John’s lilies by the roadside, ice water, spending time with my kiddos, and cooking dinner again (oh, I’ve missed that!)

Menu for this week:
Still trying to get in a rhythm, but it’ll be something like this…
M – Turkey tacos
T – Lemon chicken, roasted potatoes, zucchini
W – Leftovers
T – Out
F – Grilled chicken, rice, veggies
S – Pizza

What’s on my TV today:
Tonight D. and I will probably finish up the last season of Louie (I thought we finished it a while ago, but there were still a few more episodes), and while I do laundry this afternoon I’m going to put on The Hunt, that John Walsh show.

Looking around the house:
It’s getting there! I need to clean up the lunch dishes and tidy the living room and vacuum. With N & L at rec camp this week, the house hasn’t had a chance to get too messy yet.

On my To Do List:
Um… how about I just say “everything?” LOL!
– finish laundry
– vacuum/sweep
– post office
– grab a few groceries
– paperwork for J.’s camp
… it goes on and on

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I have quite a few cookbooks and cooking magazines that I’ve been looking at lately and one of the recipes I have marked is Enchilada Ravioli. Maybe for next week.

In the craft basket:
Nothing today, but as soon as I reogranize my yarn and hooks I’m digging out my Stitchcation Afghan from last summer. I am determined to finish it!

Looking forward to this week:
Taking the kids to the library to check in for Summer Reading and seeing my fabulous former co-workers.

Tips and Tricks:
Everyone knows this already, I’m sure, but for fruit flies (which seem to always be a battle in the summer), I fill a small bowl with some apple cider vinegar and then drizzle just a little bit of Dawn over the top. The flies are attracted to the ACV, but the dish detergent traps them and those suckers can’t get out. Within a day, the fruit fly problem should be gone.

My favorite blog post this week:
I haven’t had the opportunity to do a lot of blog reading. That’s another thing I’m looking forward to doing again!

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Hopefully next week I’ll have one for you!

No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Plimout Plantation

Lesson learned the past few days:
Don’t walk barefoot through a rocky yard at night 😉 (I have the injury to explain why, LOL)

On my mind:
So many different projects I want/need to do

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