Happy Father’s Day!

Dad & MeA very happy father’s day to my daddy! Yes, that would be me and him, waaaay back when. I wish I could be spending the day with him, but a call will have to suffice for now. I’ll see him next Saturday, though :-). I also kind of lamed out on Father’s Day for Drew this year, but he understands. In a couple weeks we’ll so something special for him. In the meantime, the boys made him cards and #1 Dad buttons. I had originally looked at new grills and at pressure washers for him (he was eyeing them at Home Depot one day), but I think we’ll wait until the end of the season and get a new grill as a belated gift. Ours really has seen better days.

Drew wanted to cook a big breakfast, though, so he dug out the waffle iron and made waffles, bacon, and fruit for all of us. (He loves to cook and has been enjoying the last couple weeks of me not cooking.) We don’t have any big plans for the day. He’s actually working his tail off clearing out the rest of the upstairs furniture so that we can have our carpeting installed on Thursday — yay! The guys are here to paint today, and soon, oh so soon, my house will be back in order. I can’t wait!

One Reply to “Happy Father’s Day!”

  1. Aww! Look at that cute baby! 🙂 Wearing knitted hats even then … 😀 Great photo! Happy Father’s Day to Drew! We have a new (to us) grill and just need to get it all hooked up.

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