CSA Distribution: Week #9

CSA Distribution #8

Oops! I forgot to write about this week’s farm share until just now. This week we got: 2 green peppers, 3 zucchini, 1 squash, 1 head of garlic, 1 sweet onion, 1 lb. green beans, 2 Italian eggplant, 1 Japanese eggplant, 1 bunch beets, 1 head of cabbage, 1 bunch scallions, 2 heads of lettuce.

I skipped out on the pick-your-own flowers & herbs this week because it was pouring rain when I went to pick everything up and not worth getting soaking wet. I’ve been enjoying incorporating everything into oure meals. The beet cake is a huge hit, and I will be using the bunch of beets in this picture to make another cake for a potluck dinner at the farm Saturday. I could make something that incorporates more of the veggies we have, but… I don’t know. I think beet cake is a bit unusual and hopefully no one else will bring it! Last night I made a delicious Indian dinner:

Indian dinner

Months ago my friend Kathy pointed me to this eggplant bharta recipe that she enjoys and I was excited to try it. I also made Dara’s recipe for Tandoori Tofu. Both were big hits. I especially loved (and I mean loved) the bharta. I have three more eggplants in the fridge (though one is of the Japanese variety and I’m not sure if that would work) — you can bet I’m making another batch of this. Lots of heat and delicious flavor. We had it with a bit of plain yogurt to cool it a little — what a wonderful combination. The tofu was also well-received. Jake gave it a one-thumb-up-one-thumb-down rating. I think he didn’t like the texture of the tofu. I think that I’d enjoy it more with chicken (or a mix of chicken and tofu), too. But the flavor was amazing and I think the marinade would be delicious as a dip, too. I’m going to play around with that one a bit.

I also made some pickled green beans and carrots yesterday. I’ll give them a try later today, but they’ll need at least another day or two for the flavors to develop. So it has been a busy week in my kitchen, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it!

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