Now that the boys aren’t in school, it’s hard to keep track of what day it is. During the school year, days are defined by what “special” takes place (gym, art, music, or library). Without those to guide me, Monday kind of merges into Tuesday and slides into Wednesday and so forth. We’ve been taking it easy, but still finding plenty to do. We’ve enjoyed quite a few yummy meals like this one:
Friday night I grilled balsamic-marinated chicken breasts, topped them with fresh mozzarella and bruschetta and served it all over pasta. It was simple and fantastic!
I’ve found a bit of time here and there for tea and to read a new book I’m borrowing from the library:
And I’m patiently waiting for my hydrangea to flower. I was afraid it wasn’t going to happen again this year and I’d have to pull the bush out, but sure enough, there are going to be three flowers!
Last night Drew took the boys to see Toy Story 3 at the drive-in. They all really enjoyed it. While they were out, Drew’s dad called to let me know he got a new phone and he was going to send up his old iPhone for the boys. (They always enjoy playing the games on it.) While the boys will certainly enjoy it, I’m also thinking that I can basically use it as an iTouch when I can pick up a WiFi signal. That could come in handy! They are big gadget folks and big fans of Apple. Drew’s stepmom has an iPad and it was pretty neat. I’m not sure if she has iPad insurance or anything, but since she travels constantly for work, it is perfect for her. I’m nowhere near as techy, but I think it’ll be nice to have the deactivated phone, if for nothing else than to keep the boys from driving people crazy when we’re waiting in line for something.
I guess that’s about it. We’ve been enjoying lazy, unscheduled days. And now that a cool front is moving through, I think it will be even more pleasant!