
I had to unravel my Irish Hiking Scarf. Maybe it’s for the best. I was looking through One Skein yesterday and I kind of like the Two Cable Scarf in there a little better. It’s very similar to the Irish Hiking Scarf except the cables aren’t continuous. I’ll look at it again later and decide. Argh.

5 Replies to “Drat”

  1. Hmmm… tough call. I like them both. Everyone’s done the IHS, so maybe do the One Skein Scarf just to be different! 🙂

  2. I finally finished my IHS today. I was sick of starring at it and not being able to get out for more yarn so I just decided its a short scarf 😉

  3. I like the IHS, but was does the reverse side look like? I’ve never done a cabled scarf because I’m concerned the reverse side will bug me.

  4. You hike?

  5. I have no idea what is the difference between the 2 but I am sure they will be awesome what ever you make lol…

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