Happy Friday everyone! Time to reflect on the week and list out 5 good things that happened!
- I had a nice chat with a friend I haven’t talked to in a while. I am really bad about calling and texting people, so it was good to go back and forth for a bit.
- I am down almost 5 lbs. since the first of the year! Of course, yes, I know, it is mostly weight, but it still is a good motivator.
- I signed up for a beginner’s yoga class that’s happening tomorrow. I have tried yoga in the past and I have never really loved it, but it is one of the best things to increase flexibility so I am giving it another shot.
- A mystery at work that was puzzling me was solved today! I couldn’t understand why some really popular DVDs were not getting paged for holds and after going back and forth with tech support at the system level, we learned that somehow all of our DVDs had loan rules switched (this must have happened when we went fine-free at the end of last year). All of our no-hold DVDs (of which there are almost none) were made holdable, and everything else had a loan rule attached that made them unholdable. So glad that is fixed because long-term it would have a negative effect on my circ numbers!
- I have one more weekend with Jake! For some reason I thought he went back to college on Sunday, but he is actually leaving on Monday morning. We probably won’t see him again until Spring Break in March, so I am grateful for one extra day with my kiddo.
Hope you all had some good things happening for you this week, too!