While weeding in my garden today, I came across this HUGE bug. I am pretty sure he’s a praying mantis. Whatever he is, he seemed very happy perched on a geranium leaf. I decided not to disturb him and I just worked around him.
crafts + recipes + existential dread
I called Tristan over and he verified that it’s a praying mantis. He’s totally into bugs and he said it with an awed whisper. We don’t have them here in the Pacific Northwest. Nor do we have fireflies. 🙁 Then again, we also have very few pesky bugs either, so I guess that’s the trade-off. Our windows only have screens on them to keep the cat in, not the bugs out. 🙂 My parents have never had screens on their windows and it’s not uncommon here not to have them at all. Great shot of the mantis!!! Looks like it could be in a book!