The other day when we were out shopping I saw some of those digital frames. I think they’re a pretty neat idea, especially for lazy people like me who aren’t quite on top of getting prints made from the bazillions of digital photos you take. It’s also great if you have a lot of photos you love, but don’t want to clutter up your house with dozens of frames. A digital photo frame showcases all your favorite pictures, but keeps your desk (or mantle, or coffeetable, etc.) clear. Basically you stick a memory card in the digital picture frame and you have your own personal slideshow on your desk. There are several different sizes and when you consider the cost of getting many photos framed, it’s pretty reasonable. With these frames you can play those movies that you take on your camera, too. My brother bought one for his finacee last year and I she loved it!
I got Kathy one of those for her birthday last year. They are really neat. This one can hold about 15-20 pictures on internal memory and then you can but and SD card into it. And teh quality of the picture is pretty swell!