Ah, it is Monday again — are we ready to do this? My Monday certainly got off to a crazy start. My 17 year old missed the bus this morning (though because the bus passes our house again after picking up the kids in our neck of the woods, he was able to catch it on the way back). One of our cats decided to use a laundry basket as a litter box. Ugh… at least things settled after that. Things can only get better as the day goes on, right? Right!
Joining in with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Money…

The Weather:::
It’s cool (37 degrees) and sunny right now, but snow is supposed to start later tonight. Our area is literally on the line in between 4-8″ and 3-6″ so it’s going to be a wait-and-see event! I would not be mad about a snow day.

As I look outside my window:::
Cars are coming and going on the Town Hall campus. There’s just a little bit of snow left from this weekend, otherwise brown grass and bare trees… but at least the sun is shining!
Right now I am:::
Avoiding work, obviously LOL!
Thinking and pondering:::
What it’s going to be like having just one kiddo at home next year! Noah had his last college interview/audition last Thursday so now we just have to wait to hear back from the schools to which he applied. Jake will be in his senior year in college, and Laura will be starting high school.
On my bedside table:::
Water cup, levothyroxine, crossword puzzle book, basket with other crossword puzzle books, pens, headbands, etc.
On my tv today:::
We have just been watching mindless TV. My husband has been really busy with work and either too tired in the evening to focus on a new show or else he’s doing work so or go-to has been To Catch a Smuggler on Hulu. It is crazy some of the stuff that people try to bring into the country!
Listening to:::
Listening to the ladies at the table who are here for their painting club and one of the clerks shelving books.
On the lunch plate:::
Just a salad with some leftover honey BBQ chicken from the other night.
On the dinner plate:::
I picked up some thin steaks at the grocery store yesterday and I was planning on making those, but we may end up getting subs. (Our favorite pizzeria has daily specials and on Monday it is Buy 3 subs get 1 free. It is also conveniently close to where Noah works after school so the timing usually ends up working out well, LOL!)
On the menu for this week:::
- Sunday – Chicken parm rollatini, whole wheat penne with sauce, steamed broccoli
- Monday – Pan-fried steak, salad, roasted sweet potatoes
- Tuesday (maybe a snow day) – Chili & cornbread, salad
- Wednesday – Turkey meatballs with gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans
- Thursday – Chicken curry, rice, naan, cucumber & onion salad
- Friday (meatless for Lent) – cheese quesadilla, black bean soup, fruit salad
- Saturday – Bacon cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries, cole slaw
On my reading pile:::
Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer (audiobook)
North of Dawn by Nududdin Farah (need to start this for book club at work)
On my to do list:::
- Order Noah’s cap & gown (still haven’t done this!)
- New blog design
- Reorganize pantry
- Work on memory planner
- Clean out makeup bag
- Put away all the earrings in my dish in the bathroom (I put them there before my shower and then forget to bring them back up to my bedroom)
Plans for this week:::
I have a hair appointment on Wednesday and I will also need to pick up our prescription refills. Otherwise, just work and the usual stuff around the house.
What I am creating:::
Working on a granny square tote bag for my daughter. I am using this pattern from The Purple Poncho, but she requested longer straps. She is already thinking about camp this summer and using it as a day bag! I may have to figure out a way to line it — I can definitely imagine things slipping through the holes.

My simple pleasure:::
Coming downstairs to a clean sink in the morning. I know it sounds silly, but seeing no dishes in the sink from the night before always starts my day off better!
Looking around the house:::
I cleaned on Saturday morning so really everything is in place. I still have my (small amount of) Valentine’s stuff out. Tomorrow or Wednesday I will switch everything over to St. Patrick’s Day/Spring
From the camera:::

I can’t believe how much my hyacinth grew in a week! The photo above was taken this morning. The photo below is when I bought it last Monday!

Wishing you all a great week!