I’m so happy! I finally have my laundry under control, after the chaos of the holidays! Somehow it piled up higher and was ignored longer, but today I have tamed the laundry beast. I have just a few items to fold and put away and then the only things in the hamper are a couple towels. I am totally staying on top of it this year. Doing laundry is no big deal. Folding it? That gets done too. It’s the putting away that is my problem. But I’m committing myself to doing small, manageable loads and putting everything away as soon as the clothes are folded. I really hope that my motiviation sticks throughout the year!
Good Luck! I have the SAME problem.
I’m good with doing laundry and putting it away – it’s the learning to iron it before I hang stuff in the closet that’s the problem. I iron EVERY morning – my clothes and Ethan’s – what a pain !
That’s awesome! 🙂 I actually *enjoy* doing laundry, but I *hate* to hang up the clothes and put them away. I don’t know why that bugs me so much. It’s just not a fun job, I guess. But I *love* taking dirty things and making them clean! I’m such a Virgo, hehe 🙂
I have the same problem. And what’s worse is that we’re about three weeks behind on handwashables… at least I know what I’ll be doign this week!
I hate folding the laundry. I don’t mine washing it, or putting it in the dryer or hanging out what needs to be hung, but folding? Eww.. takes me days sometimes to get around to it. I try to put it away as soon as it’s folded. Sometimes the hanging stuff (especially the boys) stays on the couch too long, because I try to do the folding when they are sleeping and I can’t put it away then.
I’m with you, I’ve been trying to keep it up-to-date lately too. We’ll see how long that lasts after the baby arrives!
For what it’s worth, I try to buy clothes that don’t need ironing, I REALLY hate that job!
Ironing? In our house? Oh no — it doesn’t happen. We take any dress shirt or pants out of the dryer after a few minutes, give them a snap, and let them dry on hangers. No wrinkles, no ironing!
I must be some sort of weirdo…I love doing laundry, folding and putting away clothes, and ironing. I have to fold the clothes while they are still warm, though. It feels so comforting. If they cool in the dryer for some reason, I will turn it on for a few minutes just to warm them up again. As for ironing, I don’t do it all the time just because getting the ironing board in and out of it’s storage place is a bit of a hassle, but when I do set it up, anything that has even the smallest wrinkle gets ironed.