
Why is that when I’m up at the crack of dawn, I never see anything amusing like my husband does? All I find on the boob tube is Girls Gone Wild infomercials. I’ve also learned that while sure, Noggin is now on 24/7, at 4 AM they are showing their “B” material. Gullah Gullah Island tends to frighten Noah. He is really not into big puppets.

Anyway. Today is extra-long because school cancelled. At first it was just a two-hour delay, which thrilled me because that meant a leisurely morning, but then the cancellation was announced and it’s been non-stop bickering, screaming, and whining. And let’s not talk about the mess in the den. It really is so nasty outside, though. Everything is flooding and it’s just a gross, slushy mess. At least it’s not a blizzard like last year, I guess.

Sorry. Guess I’m just full of complaints today. On a more positive note, I got Drew a fun present for Valentine’s Day – I hope he likes it! It’s all wrapped up and ready to go. I also got the boys each a small Russell Stover heart with some chocolates inside. My dad used to always get one for me and my brother, so it’s now something that I plan on doing every Valentine’s for my little guys. What about you? Anything fun planned? I didn’t do anything really in the way of decorating, and I’ll be working all day tomorrow so I won’t be home to make a fun dinner. Hopefully next year!

5 Replies to “Yawn…”

  1. My plans include making a steak dinner (served with a yummy sparkling shiraz) and eating lots of chocolate. Ben is gettng “I Am American (And So Can You)” and his pick of whatever movie he wants to see this weekend.

  2. I’m making the hubby his favorite pizza (buffalo chicken pizza) and brownies. And I have gifts coming, but he doesn’t … which is a mess I don’t want to discuss.

    Hope the day is going better!

  3. I’m sorry ~ I can’t answer your Valentine’s Day question. I am laughing too hard at your husband’s blog entry ~ so much that tears are in my eyes. I know what I’m going to add to my Amazon wishlist. 😀

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