When I was pregnant, Drew and I agonized over baby names. We each had our favorites, but naturally he couldn’t stand a few of the names I adored and vice-versa. I remember spending so much time at various baby name sites looking up the meanings of Charles, Henry, Lucy, and Millicent (all names we did consider). But I just found out about this neat little widget called the Name Explorer that you can just add to your blog’s sidebar. You just add a couple lines of code and voila! There it is. Then you type in a first name and it gives you the meaning. If you want to know more about the name’s origin, there’s a link you can click on to find that out. Grab code for name widget here. This is what it looks like:
I really like Lucy! (I also like the spelling “Lucie.”) But I think that the names you chose are perfect ~ doesn’t it always end up that way, that the names we choose just work out and “fit” somehow. My friend Staci is going to name her daughter “Elinor” and call her Nora for short. Isn’t that adorable?