Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

It’s been a year or two since I last participated in the Ultimate Blog Party, hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom, but I thought, why not this year and here I am with my official “party post!” Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. I planted myself here in the fall of 2000 and I’ve been blogging ever since.

A little about the blog. . .  I write about a little of this and a little of that. I write about food and crochet a lot! If you look to the sidebar on your right, you’ll see a list with some of my more popular posts.

A little bit about me. . .  I live in New York’s beautiful Hudson Valley with my family. My husband and I have three children (a Dr. Who-loving 10 year old, a Lego-crazed 7 year old, and a 3 year old princess).

christmas eve

Currently I work part-time as a library clerk, a job I absolutely love! It allows me to interact with members of our community, participate in amazing programs, and of course, get the scoop on what everyone’s reading these days!

I love all things colonial, vintage, antique, and basically old!

Old Sturbridge Village

I love to do all kinds of crafts, but especially crochet (though I recently dusted off my knitting needles).

owl hat

I love canning, pickling, and fermenting.

I love coffee and chocolate.

flourless chocolate torte

I guess the best way to “get to know me” is just by snooping around my blog. Check out a recipe or two, see what I’ve been hooking up, or just what’s new in my life.

Discovering new blogs is always fun, so I am really looking forward to visiting everyone and hopefully making some new bloggy friends! Thanks for stopping by — be sure to leave a comment so I know you were here and I promise to make a return visit to your blog. Have a great day! Oh, and you can follow my blog with Bloglovin!

P.S. Feel free to keep up with me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram, too!

23 Replies to “Ultimate Blog Party 2013”

  1. HI!!! I’m here from the UBP…. And I screamed multiple times as I read your intro post here. Dude, we have such similarities!!! I have 3 kids, all boys, and all my kids are obsessed with Dr. Who. My house exploded Legos. I love to crochet and have tried knitting, but I need someone sitting by me holding my hand. And I do love love LOVE to make jellies and want to try to can more goodies this summer. And I am a raging coffee addict. So AAAAHHHHH again! I’m glad to find a familiar!!!! Hope you have a great party!!!

  2. Your part-time job at the library sounds absolutely perfect! While I have never lived in the Hudson Valley, we were stationed in northern New York for four years and we miss that part of the state…the summers can’t be beat. 🙂

  3. Hello there Carol! I followed you back from your comment on my blog! I am really digging this blog party stuff!! 🙂
    I have tried to crochet but alas, my hands were built for needles. I just bought my first book on canning, so I will be extremely excited to read those posts! And chocolate? And coffee? You just named all the major food groups in my diet! lol
    So glad to meet you!

  4. Hi, Carol!

    First of all, that crocheted owl hat is the height of adorable 🙂

    Second, we’re big into books, and I would love to connect with someone who has their finger on the kids’ literary pulse. (Our giveaway for UBP13 is actually Little Pickle books – are you familiar?)

    • Thank you so much for the compliment! I’m not familiar with Little Pickle books, but I will check them out. Let me know what you’re interested in as far as children’s lit and I’m happy to try to help out!

  5. Stopping by for a UPB13 visit.
    I’ve been participating since 2007. It’s great fun visiting new blogs!
    As well as saying hello to old friends.
    I’m definitely going to check out the flourless chocolate torte.
    I hope you’re having a great time!

  6. Coming by from UBP13! I went to college in Nyack, NY and spent 4 years overlooking the Hudson River. I love that area! The four years flew by and I miss the Hudson. Spring is so pretty there.

  7. dropping by from UB Parteee 13! Just landed from Dubai, how is it going on here, hope everyone is enjoying the party. I’d love to learn crochet too and i think canning food is an awesome thing to do.

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