the eyes have it: l’oreal review

l'oreal review

Lately I’ve been trying out quite a few new products. Some I recieve because I am members of programs, some because I sign up for a lot of freebies and coupons, and some because… well, I just like to try new things. So I thought that I’d designate Wednesday as the day I post reviews. I’m trying (trying!) to get some kind of blogging schedule going, but it’s hard because I’m used to writing in a very unstructured way.

At any rate, today I’m writing about makeup. I am a member of BzzAgent, which many of you have no doubt heard of (and you might be members yourselves). I was sent two full-sized L’oreal product samples to try: their new One Sweep™ Eye Shadow and Double Extend® Eye Illuminator Mascara. I’ve been using the products since the end of March. While I wasn’t so sure about the mascara at first, after using them I can say that love them both!

The One Sweep™ Eye Shadow

This eyeshadow allows you to apply three shades at one time, simplifying the process of having great-looking eyes. Normally I don’t bother with more than one color of shadow, even though I like the look. With One Sweep, it’s the best of both worlds. It took me a little bit to figure out the best way to use the applicator (I obviously didn’t want to apply the lightest shade to the bottom of my lid.) But once I got the hang of it, the application was super easy. The name of the product is a bit of a misnomer, as I needed at least two or three sweeps in order to get good coverage.

l'oreal review


Double Extend® Eye Illuminator Mascara

I have a love/hate relationship with mascara. I love the way good mascara accentuates my eyes, but I hate many of the mascaras I’ve tried. I was a little skeptical when I saw the tube of L’oreal Double Extend. One end is a traditional mascara brush, but the other side is  shaped like a ball, and the color is bronze. (This is the “illuminator” part of the mascara.) I’m 35 years old, so I feared this would be a little too much.

l'oreal review

Actually, the sparkle from the illuminator end is really subtle. It gives your lashes just a hint of sparkle — perfect for a night out. The traditional end of the mascara tube includes a brush that makes your lashes appear fuller. The makeup is a little on the thick side, so it helps if you have a lash comb to separate out your eyelashes. Overall, I think it is better than most of the other mascaras I’ve tried.

Both of these products are available at stores like CVS and Target, so you should have no problem finding them if you want to try them out for yourself!

Disclosure: I received these samples as part of my participation in the BzzAgent program. The opinions I’ve expressed in this review are my own and I receive no further compensation for posting them.

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