Thanks and another request

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who chimed in on my recipe storage post. I think that a binder really is the best solution (obviously it’s the one everyone seems to use!). But I like Christina‘s method of using recipe cards for quick reference. I received a cute recipe box as a gift and I would really like to use it. Seems like this might be a good way. After our vacation I’m going to start putting my recipe binder together. I have a feeling this will be a large undertaking; I have lots of recipes (as you might imagine).

And my request… I am desprately seeking a Lock & Lock lunch set like this one (which I prefer because of the insulated bag), but this one would do fine, as well. I have exhausted the Internet and just cannot find either of these for sale online. I will keep checking Ebay, but if anyone has seen either of these sets I would most happily pay you to buy and ship it and I will even include some extra surprises!

4 Replies to “Thanks and another request”

  1. Hmmm… On second thought that is awful high shipping (I guess all international shipping is high) so maybe the search continues unless you really want that set. 😀 I can’t find any US based sites that sell it.

  2. I have a *zillion* recipe clippings from various magazines and should *really* organize them into something. I’m thinking a binder. I have a recipe box, but I use that for organizing coupons. 🙂

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