Happy Homemaker Monday

coffee & a croissant

I have to admit — it feels really good to get back into a blogging rhythm! One of my favorite memes was always Sandra’s Happy Homemaker Monday. And even though I’m not a SAHM anymore, I still consider myself a homemaker. I’m still cooking, cleaning, decorating, creating, and caring for my family. So let’s get to it!

The weather outside is:::
It’s cold, rainy, and windy today, and the week ahead is supposed to be on the cool side as well. I won’t complain, though. It’s not snow!

On the breakfast plate this morning:::
I had tea and a slice of my homemade banana bread, slathered with cream cheese when I first woke up. (I’ll post the recipe soon.) I felt like a Hobbit today having “second breakfast” after running a few errands. The grocery store had a box of croissants on the discount bakery rack and I could not resist them. I also treated myself to a latte.

As I look outside my window:::
The still-bare trees are swaying with the wind and the rain is pooling up. Yes, it’s quite messy out there.

Right now I am:::
I’m celebrating my husband’s birthday today! We actually don’t have much planned, but it’s still fun to make a big deal about it.

As I look around the house:::
Ugh, I have two baskets of laundry to fold and put away (it just never ends), a few breakfast dishes left to wash, toys that need to be put away… the usual remnants from the weekend.

On today’s to do list:::
routine thyroid bloodwork
quick stop at the grocery store
– laundry
– RSVP to a party

Currently reading:::
Nothing at the moment. I need to start a new book! Last week I finished listening to Girl in a Band, by Kim Gordon. Seriously, I love audio books so much! I was never a fan of them, but it’s probably because I wasn’t driving around every day. Since I got into them this year, I’ve “read” so much more than I have in years past. As for Girl in a Band, I have to say that I am surprised how much I love this book! I was never a big Sonic Youth fan, and I didn’t know much about Kim Gordon aside from the fact that she was their bassist. But because I am interested in a lot of peripheral music of the time I decided to give it a shot (oh, the benefit to working in a library!). Kim is a fascinating person. I love all the different stories she tells — from her youth, to her difficult relationship with her brother, to the NYC art world in the 80s, to the indie rock scene. It’s just so, so, so good. If you have even the vaguest interest, I receommend it. My only caveat with the audiobook: Kim Gordon is not exactly a dynamic reader. It was agonizing at first listening to her read in what I’d describe as monotone, but I got used to it.

On the TV today:::
I need to find a new show to get into — nothing on Netflix is really calling to me lately. If you have any suggestions for crime dramas (Criminal Minds, Law & Order type shows), I am all ears!

On the menu this week:::
Monday – Lobster pie (D.’s birthday)
Tuesday – Burgers
Wednesday – Cheesy chicken pasta with broccoli
Thursday – Teriyaki chicken, pineapple rice, veggies
Friday – ???
Saturday – ???
Sunday – ???

Favorite photo from the camera:::
L. picked one of my daffodils yesterday. She plucked it too close to the bloom to put in a vase, but a teacup worked just fine!
daffodil in a teacup

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals:::
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” — Anthony Robbins

Sunday Snapshots

daffodil in a teacup

What a beautiful weekend! The weather was seriously perfect. We have had a lot going on since Friday night, so today we opted to just stay home. Even though I was feeling kind of tired, I managed to get quite a bit done.

I started out with laundry, changing sheets, and remaking all the beds. Is it just me, or does that chore exhaust anyone else? Maybe if it’s just one bed it’s not so bad, but four? Whew…

Two of the bananas in the fruit bowl were getting really brown, and since I had a couple in the freezer too I decided to make two loaves of banana-nut bread. I’ll freeze one and we will have the other for breakfast tomorrow.

banana bread

D. made turkey stock the other night so I decided to make creamy turkey soup for supper tonight along with some garlic-cheddar biscuits. Simple & satisfying!



garlic biscuits

soup & biscuits

After everything was cleaned up, it was time to start planning out the week. I love sitting down with my craft punches, washi tape, and stickers and getting everything down on paper. I will probably never be an electronic planner person. I love my iPhone, don’t get me wrong, but I just have to write it down.


The kids and I are all watching a little TV before their bedtime, and quite honestly I’m ready to crawl under the blankets myself! I think I’ll take a cup of tea, maybe a piece of chocolate, and D. and I will probably zone out to a movie or something.

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!


april sunrise

What a week. What can I say? Ugh, it’s been a bit stressful with some unexpected news that wasn’t entirely unexpected, but… The timing just suprised us. Sorry to be so vague, but it’s not something I can get into just yet. Suffice it to say, we are seeing a problem as an opportunity, and going from here.

Aside from that, things have been pretty quiet. Just another week with school and work. Last night I got together with some of my favorite ladies for our monthy “Sips & Sups” gathering. Everone brings a dish and we enjoy delicious food, wine, laugh, and great company. Someone brought THE most delicous green bean dish: roasted green beans topped wih caramelized onions and dollops of whipped cream cheese. I am still craving it and will try duplicating it tomorrow.

Tonight is our very last Pinewood Derby — bittersweet! I think if I were just one of the parents and not a leader I’d be much more sentimental about it, but putting the event together is a lot of work, and D. and I will be happy that it is out of our hands. N. is very excited, though, and it will be a fun night!

sugar n' cream <3

I’m looking forward to a pretty laid-back weekend. Aside from a birthday party, there’s nothing on the agenda. I’ll need to catch  up on everything that fell through the cracks this week, though. Hopefully I will be able to carve out a little time for dishcloth knitting. (There’s always time for that, right?)

Happy Friday, everyone!