Lately I have so many ideas for hair bows and so little time to actually make them. They never said that creativity was a good treatment for insomnia, and with good reason — I can barely fall asleep at night thinking of everything I’d like to do! The other day I did have the chance to play around with my ribbons and this is one of the bows I made. I am totally in love with it and I am still debating whether or not to list it on my Etsy shop or keep it for Laura. I think I need to make a duplicate bow.
I just placed an order for a bunch of ribbon and clips. I’m excited for it to arrive so I can experiment with some new styles. I also ordered some really gorgeous printed ribbon I plan to use for headbands. These will actually be better suited for older girls and teens. The ribbon designs are less “cutesy” and a little more sophisticated.
Hopefully I can get some Valentine’s Day-themed bows up soon. There is just never enough time to do everything I want to do, unfortunately!