With only one or two more shares left in the season, Noah wanted to head to the farm with me yesterday to help choose our veggies. I was glad to have an extra set of hands to hold a shopping bag 🙂
We got a small head of lettuce, arugula, green beans, carrots, onions, dill, basil, tomatoes, a small cabbage, sweet peppers, a hot pepper, a head of garlic, and a butternut squash. There was also PYO tomatillos and flowers, but I skipped both.
Last night we ate the lettuce with our gyros and this morning I roasted the butternut squash and made soup for lunch. I’ll cook some of the green beans tonight. I am absolutely awash in carrots (I bought some at the grocery store, not expecting them in this week’s share), so I might shred the store-bought carrots and freeze them to add to soups, stews, ground meats, etc.
This morning Drew and I were talking about how we’ve really eaten our way through everything in our farm shares this year (save the potatoes and Swiss chard). We’ll need to decide if we want to do it again next year. I hope it will fit in the budget, because I’d certainly like to!