sweet, sweet candy

valentine candy

This afternoon I started putting together goodie bags for the boys’ Valentine’s parties at school. I just love those sweet, chalky conversation hearts! Luckily I bought a big bag, knowing we all would be diving in as soon as I poured the candy into a bowl. I read through the various saying on the hearts and most of them were pretty typical: “Hey baby,” “Love U,” “Angel,” and so on. But then I saw this one:


How funny is that! Do you think that pre-schoolers even know what Twitter is? Maybe the second graders do, though. I mean, one of Jake’s favorite jokes involves Flickr, so I wouldn’t be surprised. At any rate, I managed to fill 19 bags for Jake’s class and 17 for Noah’s. I have to admit that I was stingy with my favorite candy… the bag of Tootsie Rolls!


Come on, the kids are getting lollipops, too. They’ll never miss a couple (OK, half a bag) of my second favorite candy ever 😉

So now I’m just waiting for the snow. One weather report says we’ll get 4-8 inches; another claims 6-12, so who really knows? I’m counting on a snow day tomorrow, either way. Although I’m not in love with the idea of more snow, at least it’ll look prettier than the drab, half-melted landscape I’m currently seeing.

4 Replies to “sweet, sweet candy”

  1. My 7-year-old understands the concept of Twitter, I think. If I pull out the cell phone after she’s said something embarrassing or funny, she goes, “Don’t put that on the computer!” lol.

    I love conversation hearts. 🙂

  2. What’s your FIRST favorite candy? Great photos. How FUNNY about the “Tweet Me” heart! Lucas understands the concept of Facebook. Sometimes he’ll say something funny and then ask us, “Is that your new Facebook update?” 🙂 I love the vanilla Tootsie Rolls!

  3. Jason and I were just talking about this the other night about how the conversation hearts now say things like “TXT me” “LOL” and things that and when we were kids it was something like “Keep trucking” (the 70’s) and just a simple kiss me…. even the candy needs to keep with the times! None of my kids know about twitter but they all know what facebook is.

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