Summertime Rolls…


  • Well after a couple weeks of kicking back and enjoying lazy days, this week the boys started a run of summer camps, making things a little bit busier. And that’s not really a big deal. They enjoy seeing their friends and having something different to do.
  • So far the summer has been… well, definitely seems hot to me! I am such a northern girl. I’m not one to randomly look up property in the Carolinas or Louisville KY real estate. I think I’d melt in the southern heat.
  • I’ve been crocheting a bit, working on a daisy pillow based on the ever-popular Blooming Flower Cushion. Laura has transitioned from a crib to a bed, so I’m making it for her room.
  • I’m totally in a cooking rut. I just don’t feel like doing it, so I’ve resorted to boring (to me) meals consisting basically of grilled chicken or steak and a salad. I am pinning recipes like crazy, I just don’t feel like futzing around in the kitchen.

What have you all been up to?

One Reply to “Summertime Rolls…”

  1. I’m with you on the lack of desire to cook. I muster up enough interest to make a menu, but then the day comes and everything seems too hot or heavy to make in the summer. I think next week I need to do nothing but cold, pasta salads.

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