Spring Break & Easter Week

Happy Monday, everyone! I wish I had more to write about over the weekend, but there was not much happening that was very exciting. Saturday I worked on cleaning and reorganizing my craft area and then we went to Mass. Even though it is long, I always enjoy the Palm Sunday service.
Yesterday I drove up to meet my folks in the Berkshires — Laura is spending a few days with them, as it is spring break week here and Drew and I both have work. She may as well get spoiled by grandparents, right? After dropping her off I got home, made lunch, and Drew and I watched a few episodes of History of the World Part II on Hulu. Then I went and grabbed a few groceries, brought home dinner, and that was about it!
And here we are… Monday again! Today I decided to link up with Sandra for Happy Homemaker Monday.
The Weather:::
It’s nice and sunny out there today! Still breezy and cool, though you can tell nicer weather is coming.   
Monday – Sunny, 24/61
Tuesday – Cloudy 42/67
Wednesday – Rainy 47/55
Thursday – Rainy 48/72
Friday – Partly sunny 36/57
Saturday – Sunday 31/54
Sunday – Sunny 32/61
As I look outside my window:::
I see some folks walking their dogs in the field
Right now I am::: 
Counting down until the end of the day, listening to a patron talk about an author she enjoys
Thinking and pondering:::
Holding good thoughts for our friend and town supervisor who underwent surgery today for a benign (thankfully!) brain tumor. Praying for a full recovery. I know it will be a long road ahead.
On my bedside table:::
Water cup, thyroid pills, basket of random odds & ends
On my tv this week:::
History of the World, Part II
Alaska Daily
Listening to:::
The windchimes outside the door.
On the lunch plate:::
Salad & yogurt  – not very exciting at all
On the dinner plate:::
Chicken thighs, rice or potatoes, salad
On the menu for this week:::
Monday – Chicken Thighs
Tuesday – ?
Wednesday – Turkey tacos
Thursday – 
Friday (Good Friday) – Cheese calzones? Veggie pizza? 
Saturday – ?
Sunday (Easter) – Easter dinner out with Drew’s mom
On my reading pile:::
The Anomaly  by Hervé Le Tellier
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
On my to do list:::

Continue cleaning out craft desk
Update memory planner
Finish Laura’s granny square bag
Start dorm packing list for Noah
Pot plant propagations
Plans for this week:::
Dentist appointment
Driving kids everywhere (LOL)
Movies (maybe?)
What I am creating:::
Still working on Laura’s bag. I need to take an inventory of all my crochet WIPs and finish them before starting new projects.
My simple pleasure::: 
Inhaling the smell of spring! It’s like a combination of dirt and grass and rain… I can’t really explain it, but if you know you know.
Looking around the house:::
Laundry needs to be put away, floors could use a good mopping, and I need to finish putting away some odds and ends from the grocery store.
From the camera:::

Last Wednesday night Drew and I used a gift certificate to a favorite local restaurant so we could take advantage of Hudson Valley Restaurant Week. I got the most delicious beef short rib with mashed potatoes and spinach; he got salmon with roast potatoes, squash & kale. It was a delight to enjoy a mid-week date night!

Hoping it’s feeling like Spring where you are!

One Reply to “Spring Break & Easter Week”

  1. Hi Carol!
    Nothing better than being spoiled by grandparents. 😉 I dream on that Spring smell. Still snow piles here in the northwoods of WI. Sigh.
    Those short ribs look amazing!! I’ve been wondering about Alaska Daily – is it a good show?
    Blessings on your week. xo

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