reality check

One of the things I’ve learned about blogging in all the years I’ve been doing it, is that it’s easy to think people are perfect. Sometimes you get the impression that a writer just has it all together because let’s face it — as writers we pick and choose what we write about. It’s not difficult to sculpt a personality that resembles your true self, but is maybe just a little bit more organized and together. So. Lest anyone think that of me, allow me to present you with the current state of my kitchen. Take a deep breath and don’t let the little ones around. It ain’t pretty:

keepin' it real

at least this part isn't too messy ;-)

My husband has been working on painting the kitchen at night after the kids are in bed, so everything has been pulled off the counters and the tops of the cabinets. As you can see, I’ve started putting a few things back up. But naturally, I decided to switch things around and quite a few of the tchotkes up there used to be in other parts of the house. I’m taking this opportunity to do some rearranging, as well. Until now we’d kept the chips on top of the refrigerator (and I’ve always hated it; while convenient, it’s very ugly). So I’ve put my canisters up there and I’m going to find room in a cabinet for the Doritos you see on the kitchen table.

I really do love this coffee color, though. It sure beats the “builder’s beige” we’ve been living with for six years. (We’re not convinced it was even paint — I think it was just primer.) At any rate, I’m pulling out my blue, white, and yellow decor for the spring and summer. Maybe in the fall and winter I’ll go back to the gold, dark green, and burgundy. But for now I want to freshen things up. The curtains will be going. I found a couple fabrics that I like and I just want a second opinion before I make a purchase. And as much as I’d love to get the TV off the bar, that’s a battle that I’ll never win. I hate having the TV on while we eat dinner but… sometimes bribing the kids with a movie is the only way they’ll eat what I’ve made. It’s a small price to pay. At least we’re all still at the table, right?

I just hope that a certain baby will cooperate and let me continue putting stuff away. I’d forgotten how little you get done with a 10 month old (especially one who doesn’t like to nap). Wish me luck!

5 Replies to “reality check”

  1. I was totally shocked by that photo until you reminded us about the painting. It makes much more sense now. You are too organized a person and too good a keeper of your home to try make us think your kitchen would look like that on any regular day!

  2. It’s a bit messy but more importantly – WOW, five of my kitchen would fit in yours. I am totally envious of your counter & cabinet space. I honestly dare anybody with a house to have a kitchen with less space than mine! 😉 😛

  3. I like that coffee color. Kind of like what our bonus room is painted, I think. Our house looks like that ALL the time ~ even when we’re not painting! *sigh*

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