Rainy Friday

parapluie-revel.jpg What a cold, rainy morning today! But it happens to be one of those days where I’m actually in the mood for this weather. I have a lot to do today, but I’m hoping to tackle most of it this morning and have a cozy afternoon. Here are some random Friday bullets for you!

— Don’t forget that registration for the Winter Doldrums Dishcloth Exchange is now open! This will be a really fun swap, so if you enjoy knitting or crocheting washcloths and dishcloths, be sure to check it out!

— Today I am determined to take down our Christmas decorations. We’ll have to wait until Sunday to do the tree (we all take down the ornaments together), but I should be able to pack up everything else. I’m looking forward to having a fresh, clean look in the house and maybe doing some Valentine’s decorating as well.

— I absoultely have to remember to put our health insurance cards and our dental insurance cards in our wallets today. The envelopes are sitting in my mail folder (which I seriously need to go through as well!)

— We have no weekend plans! Ahh… The rush is over. Tomorrow night Drew wants to get Chinese food so we’ll do that and I think we’re going to have the BEX reisling with it. Looking forward to that.

delurkerday_400px-732498.jpgOh, and apparently it’s Delurker Day today! Wahoo! Don’t be shy… say hi. That’s pretty much it! Nothing really planned for today except for drinking coffee, cleaning, and probably starting Vino Italiano for the Wine Bloggers Book Club. (And you don’t have to have a designated wine blog to take part in this — anyone who is interested in wine should feel free to pick up a copy of the book and join in the discussion in February!) Hope you all have a cozy Friday!

Oh, and one last thing — just want to send my congrats to my little brother. Today is the last day at his current job and in three weeks he is starting a brand-new job that he is super excited about. Yay, Mike! I hope the change brings you much happiness and success.

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