rainy friday

I hope you’re staying dry out there! Yes it’s a rainy Friday indeed. We lost power for a few hours, but not long enough to be unbearable. Luckily we haven’t had any flooding, but I heard that the Taconic was flooded in areas, as well as some local roads.

Things are rolling right along here. It’s been a quiet week, which I’ve enjoyed. A friend came over for coffee, I’ve worked on my shawl, and I have done next to no writing (bad, bad, bad). I’m feeling a bit lazy I guess, and clearly that is evident here!

It seems that I’m in a bit of a blogging rut lately. I think about it, but… never really get around to doing it. I’m thinking of maybe doing some shorter entries, or book reviews, or topic-specific posts, or maybe just share a photo or two. Little snippets of my day. It would probably bore you all to death, but maybe it would be enough to get my creative juices flowing. What do you think? What would you be interested in seeing on my blog?

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