My Boys and Music

When Jake was Noah’s age, he was rocking out to Einstürzende Neubauten. No, seriously — I can’t remember which CD it was, but we’d play it over and over again and he’d dance his little heart out. He was also quite taken with Hi-5!, which is pretty tolerable as far as kids’ music goes. Well, now Noah is equally obsessed with Hi-5! but he’s not so into the industrial/goth/however you’d classify E.N. Sadly for me, he is also not into The Decemberists, Morphine, or G. Love. He does like to groove to Beck, though. Jake is still in his Velvet Underground phase, currently. And, of course, they both have been asking their Daddy to sing his smash hit “Melonball” over and over… and over again. Maybe we’ll see if we can get him to upload a version as an MP3.

4 Replies to “My Boys and Music”

  1. Your blog popped up on a Hi-5 Google alert. Glad to hear that your son is still into Hi-5.

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