meal plan monday, 9.18-9.24

We’re starting the third week of school (the second full week) and I think we’ve got our groove. Wednesday is the “craziest” day so far because immediately after school the boys have CCD class. They take a bus from the elementary school to the parish center, so that is great. But pick-up is always hectic and then it’s a mad rush to eat dinner, do homework, and have (hopefully) a little downtime while still getting to bed on time. So Wednesday are going to be my “phone it in” days. I’ll either throw something simple in the Crock Pot, make sandwiches, or as in the case of this week, just throw a frozen pizza in the oven.

The cooler weather has been great! It’s the kind that makes me think of outdoor fireplaces, crunchy leaves, hot apple cider, and (of course) my slow cooker. I’ve been using it a lot lately and this week is no exception!

And with that, on to this week’s menu.

For more menu ideas, visit Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday feature.

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