if dante had known of wal-mart…

… Surely it would have found a place in his Inferno. I should have known better than heading over there the day after a holiday, but I wanted to cross a few things off my “to buy” list for Laura’s birthday party this weekend and for the Ball “Fresh Taste of Summer” House Party I’m hosting on Saturday.

At any rate, we still need to buy a couple gifts for Laura and I had a few ideas in my head, but ended up not getting anything. I wish there were a site like http://www.consumerpricewatch.org for toys. Ideally it would tell you where to find the best price locally. I’m heading back in that direction tomorrow anyway (and chances are I’ll be over there at least one more time this week), so I have time. It’s not like she’s really going to know if we give her a gift on her birthday, the day of the party, or a week later — that’s the beauty of turning one 😉

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