Happy New Year everyone! Wow, it’s been a while since I logged into WordPress and the new update makes writing a blog post quite different. Might take a bit of getting used to. Anyway… I hope your year is off to a great start so far!
Here’s hoping 2019 is a great year for all of us. And here’s hoping I get in here and blog more often! I was rereading posts from years gone by and it was so nice when I was documenting everything. I’d love to post more about my craft projects, post recipes again, and reclaim this space. I know, I know, I get in a “bloggy” mood every couple months and say the same thing, but hopefully I’ll stick to it this time.
I had every intention of popping in yesterday, but I ended up spending most of the day offline, which is a goal for this year — wasting less time mindlessly scrolling through social media. Instead I slept in, we watched a ton of movies, I prepped some healthy food for the rest of the week, I made a delicious dinner of filet mignon, grilled shrimp, steamed broccoli, and baked sweet potatoes, and last but certainly not least I almost finished my River Rock blanket. Just 1.5 more sides to go on the border, then weaving in the ends. It will definitely be done today.
Well, now that everyone is back to work and school and it is my day off I should go and make use of it. Time to put away the Christmas decorations and get this place back in order!
Pretty photo! Happy New Year to you! Hope to read more posts from you in the coming year.