Happy Homemaker Monday, Jan. 30, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather:::
Cold but sunny. It’s the end of January, so I don’t expect it to get warm anytime soon (nor should it!). But I am happy to see blue skies and bits of sun today.

On my reading pile:::

Same books as last week! I need to make time to read this week. I’ve been choosing TV over reading — not the best option.

On my TV:::
“Unsolved Mysteries” on Amazon Prime, “Seinfeld” on DVD, and rewatching the last season of “Criminal Minds” that’s on Netflix because I barely remember any of the episodes

On the menu for this week:::
Monday – Golumpkis, salad
Tuesday – Crock Pot pulled pork, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, potato or macaroni salad 
Wednesday – Fried chicken, smile fries, green beans 
Thursday – Chicken pesto paninis with mozzarella and roasted red peppers
Friday – Meatballs & hot Italian sausage over pasta, salad
Saturday – Chili, salad
Sunday – Leftovers

On my to do list:::
– Make dentist appointments
– Reorganize pantry
– Update my Home Management Binder

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Nothing new at the moment, I’m trying to find a new project. I’ve been keeping up with my memory planner and loving it!

Looking around the house:::
Sleepy kitties, flickering candles… a cozy sort of afternoon.

From the camera:::

Just a couple shots from last week. I loved the late afternoon sun shining through the oak trees. The photo doesn’t do it justice!

late afternoon sun

My little hyacinth bulb has bloomed into a stunning flower! I keep it on the windowsill to get the best light and it makes the whole kitchen sink area smell divine when I’m washing dishes. I still can’t believe forcing the bulb worked!

hyacinth week 3

Something fun to share:::
I’m coming up blank on this one this week. Sorry!

What I’m wearing today:::
White and grey striped long-sleeve tee, jeans, black and white fuzzy socks.

One of my simple pleasures:::
Taking a moment to look up at the sky every morning at sunrise. Sometimes the pinks, reds, and oranges are just unbelievable.

Linking up with Sandra at Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday!

3 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Jan. 30, 2017”

  1. I love Hyacinths, they smell amazing 🙂

    Your menu looks yummy and it just reminded me that I follow a vlogger on Youtube called Ania, she is Polish and she puts up some really yummy Polish recipes. She made Racuchy the other day and I think I need to try hahaha

    Have a wonderful week Carol 🙂

  2. I was just tempted by the hyacinths in the front of the grocery store, seeing your picture makes me wish I’d have gone ahead and picked one up. Maybe next time. Hope you are having a great week so far!

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