I just want to thank everyone for their get-well thoughts. It really means a lot to me and I appreciate all the comments — thank you! I am doing okay. Yesterday morning, however, was horrible. I woke up in so much pain — easily the worst I’ve felt in recent memory. I would go so far as to say that the pain rivaled being in labor. My neck, my back, my knees, my head… I just kept in mind that I was told I would probably feel worse before I felt better. Still, it was not easy. All I wanted to do was cry 🙁
I ended up staying home while Drew and the boys went to his mom’s house for a 4th of July BBQ/birthday party for his aunt. Although I really did want to go, it was best that I stayed home and rested. I watched plenty of trash TV, napped a bit, and just camped out on the couch feeling lousy. A fever did resurface in the afternoon, but I was able to bring it down pretty quickly. Starting yesterday evening I’d say I began to really feel a difference.
I got a good night’s sleep last night up until about 3:30 when I woke up dying for a drink of water. I couldn’t get comfortable after that, then it started pouring, and then just before 5 Noah started waking up and Jake had a nightmare, so I just got up for the day. Right now I am still achy, but in a different way from yesterday. Today it’s more of a muscle ache, like I worked out too much (ha!). I feel much less “flu-y” too and my headache has much improved. So I think the meds are doing their job. Incidently, I found out that the antibiotics I am on are also used to treat Rosacea, so maybe I’ll have a lucky side effect and they’ll help out with that too 😉
HUGS!! I hope you are feeling better today!!
Poor Carol, I hope you get better really soon. Getting sick sucks all around but it always feels worse in the summer! Sorry you weren’t up for celebrating the 4th. HUGS!!!
Oooh sucky that you’re feeling bad. Hope you’re on your feet again soon. 🙁