First Snow of the Season

First snow of the season

It snowed last night! Around 9:00 I was leaving a friend’s house and was excited to see a dusting on the ground and flakes falling from the sky. Funny, isn’t it, how it just takes a couple months for us to go from “Ugh, more snow?” to “Yay! It’s so pretty!”

First snow of the season

When Laura walked down the stairs this morning, she immediately gasped and asked if it was Christmas! So cute, right? Noah was hoping he could play in the snow after school, but I explained that it would most likely be melted by then (and for the most part it was). Nevertheless, it was a lovely start to the weekend.

First snow of the season

First snow of the season

First snow of the season

First snow of the season

I realize that I basically take the same photos year after year when it snows, but… somehow it just always seems new. Maybe it’s just me. I am sure that by the end of January I will be longing for warm days, but for now I am very content to bundle up, sit in front of my fire, and enjoy dark, cozy evening.

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