I have always loved spooky, scary stuff and of our three kids, my 13-year-old daughter is really the only one who naturally gravitates towards it as well.
Tonight she wanted to watch The Lost Boys, which watched SO many times when I was her age! (Wow I had a big celebrity crush on Corey Haim, LOL!) Funny, even after all these years I still know most of the lines, and the music! What a great soundtrack. It’s a lot of fun to watch and a fun way to spend Friday night.
The Lost Boys is one of my faves, it’s such a good movie. I always tell my kids that 80’s movies are the best, horror, comedy, drama, whatever, nothing like them.
You know, I’m not sure I’ve seen that one. I’ll have to check into it. Don’t want to have to turn in my ’80’s club card over it 😉