I’m so excited! This afternoon we are going to the Dutchess County Fair over in Rhinebeck. We haven’t gone in a few years, and I think the boys will really enjoy it. I picked up discounted tickets last week, and kids are free, so I was able to save a little money on admission (only to spend it on food I am sure)! The last time we were there (probably four years ago) I tried a fried Oreo. It was OK. I liked it, but I probably won’t waste my calories on that again. I am hoping to indulge in some fried dough (preferably apples & cinnamon or powdered sugar — though Drew likes tomato sauce on his). We’ll see what else they have. Maybe fried mushrooms… or a loaded baked potato… or candy apples. Mmm! What are some of your favorite fair foods?
I have never heard of tomato sauce on fried dough. If this fair food is anythign like the Big E, everything will be on a stick .. Chickne on a stick .. pork on a stick .. cheese on a stick .. well you get the idea….
Chris always gives me hard time for wanting tomato sauce on my fried dough – glad to hear someone else likes it!