Dormer Construction – Week 1

It’s completely unreal to think that a week ago the back of our house looked like this:

Day 1 - Getting the house powerwashed

And late yesterday afternoon it looked like this:

Day 8 - Cutting Out The Roof

My menu plan already went out the window this week, as we decided to grab dinner out since we had to return a movie (and I was really tired and did not feel like cooking). We got home around 7 and the guys were still here finishing up! They finished taking the rest of the roof off. After they left I went upstairs and took some photos of how it all looks opened up. They’re in my Flickr set. So weird, but very cool. They were here around 7:30 this morning, ready to start building out the dormer itself. Today that enormous hole will all be closed in and if I have it right, then they’ll be finishing up the inside.

If anyone in the Hudson Valley needs contractor/builder recommendations, please contact me because these guys are just amazing. They work incredibly hard, are super nice, and I’ve been so impressed by how well they clean up the work site every night. Oh, and did I mention that they worked on the weekend? They did – something a lot of builders don’t do. I feel like I should be baking them cookies every day to show my appreciation! We’ll probably give them a nice bottle of wine each when the project is done. I know this is their job, but we feel they really are exceptional.

Because I’m so thrilled with how things are coming along, the mess and inconvenience of sleeping in the living room isn’t really bothering me. The boys camped out on the aerobed in the den last night (they’ve been sleeping in our bed upstairs, but obviously could not last night with half the roof missing and a frost warning in effect!). They got to use their sleeping bags and thought it was really fun, LOL! Good thing because they’ll probably be sleeping down here for the next couple nights 🙂 It’s all about attitude. If you make it an adventure, it’s less of a hassle, you know?

So that’s where we are on the shed dormer front. Exciting stuff!

2 Replies to “Dormer Construction – Week 1”

  1. That is exciting! I can’t wait to see how your house looks when the job is all completed. Yeah, they definitely seem like an awesome construction crew.

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