You might have noticed that I didn’t get a post up for our fourth bi-weekly farm share a couple weeks ago. It’s a shame I didn’t have time to take a photo because it was gorgeous! Egglplant, yellow squash, lettuce, zucchini, carrots… it was very colorful. This week’s share might be more green, but it’s a great one nonetheless!
It was pouring rain when it was time for me to head to the farm in Stanfordville. I wasn’t exactly looking forward to all the mud, but it was worth it: three heads of lettuce, three cucumbers, yellow squash, zucchini, garlic, potatoes, onions, leeks, scallions, dill, basil, parsley, cilantro, two watermelons, and one cantaloupe!
The cucumbers have been wonderful this year, which makes me very happy. In previous years of this CSA, for one reason or another the cucumber crop didn’t fare so well. I also feel like the herbs are much more prolific for some reason. Our CSA has pick-you-own flowers as part of the deal — a major selling point for me 🙂 I’ll be honest though: the last thing I wanted to do yesterday was slog through a muddy field and get soaking wet as the rain poured down and I tried to find my 20 stems of flowers. I’m glad I did, though. After I cleaned up the dinner dishes last night I looked at my kitchen table and couldn’t help but smile.
The kids were all very excited about the melons, so I cut into one of the watermelons before dinner was even ready. When it split open, the color caught me off-guard. I had not expected a yellow melon!
And that is one of the reasons why I love participating in a farm share. You really never know what to expect. The yellow watermelon, by the way, is really delicious!