CSA 2009: Fourth Share

CSA 2009: Fourth Share

Such a bounty this week! Two heads of lettuce, escarole, kale, a bunch of carrots, basil, an onion, scallions, broccoli, yellow summer squash and garlic scapes. Also PYO flowers. Dishes I see in our future include beans & greens and Indian-spiced kale & chick peas. Of course, we’ll also have some great salads this week (I’m so looking forward to a Caprese salad with that basil.) I want to look up some scape recipes. Last year I liked to use them raw in salads, or mixed into cream cheese and those are delicious ways to eat them, but maybe I can do something else.

I found it pretty amazing how everything looks so beautiful, even with the near record-breaking amount of rain we’ve had. A lot of farmers are worried about their crops. Maybe they’ve got magic soil over there, I don’t know… but everything is picture-perfect to me!

3 Replies to “CSA 2009: Fourth Share”

  1. You definitely get more in your share than we do. Garlic scapes ~ what about pesto? Also, you could mix some into homemade hummus! Yum! I tried that a few weeks ago and it rocked!

  2. I always look forward to the CSA photos you post. This week is especially photogenic. Look at all that green! 🙂

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