christmas 2011

As you could probably tell, I’ve taken a little break from blogging and instead scheduled some posts for this week. We had a wonderful holiday here! Both sides of the family came over for dinner and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves.

I received some very thoughtful gifts including books, a sock knitting kit, jewelry, hand-felted brooches, cookware, and a few other things. Drew was very excited about the dehydrator I gave him (though I still think I’m more excited about it)! He’s been wanting to try his hand at making beef jerky for a long time. It’s a favorite snack and as I’m sure you know — it can be pretty expensive. Making our own will be cheaper and healthier. There are so many things I want to try. In fact, I’ve even started a Pinterest board for dehydrator recipes!

And while in previous years, the chaos of Christmas morning was enough to make me seek a migraine treatment, this year was a lot calmer (though still full of excitement). The boys got plenty of fun toys and so did Laura!

The day flew by and then, just like that, it was over. It’s school vacation week so the boys have had plenty of time to try out their new toys, watch movies, and just relax as we wind down the year.

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