National Day of Mourning for President Jimmy Carter

In the car earlier I was listening to some of the eulogies spoken at Jimmy Carter’s funeral and truly he should be admired for his integrity and his strength of character. There are few public figures like him who can be such upstanding role models. A great president and a great man to be sure. I am just happy that he was able to get the service he deserved from this administration.

199. Or is it 200? I don’t even know.

Yesterday we got to Mass early and as I was sitting there, for some reason I started to think about what we would do in the case of a shooting. 

After Mass I dropped off Laura at her friend’s house, then I grabbed dinner for me, Noah & Drew, and when I got home I learned about yet another mass shooting. The 199th mass shooting of the year. Or was it the 200th? I couldn’t even be sure. But it was absolutely one too many.

When will it ever end?  Our country is so broken.

thinking of wmass

Photo credit: Holly N.

Although I now live in the Hudson Valley, I am originally from a small town in Western Mass. and my family and many of my friends still live in the area. It was completely surreal to turn on The Weather Channel yesterday afternoon and watch the tornado tear through Springfield and then hear that another one was hitting my hometown of Palmer.

Thank God everyone I know is safe, and there was no damage to my immediate family’s homes. Springfield is just a wreck, said people I know who live and work in that area. But my heart breaks for Monson, the next town over from Palmer. I know a few people who live there and to see the damage and utter devastation… well, there just aren’t words. My friend Holly posted several photos of the damage on Facebook, and the picture above is one of them. That church steeple was 137 years old.

I was astounded as I watched this video showing aerial footage of the area. That poor town is destroyed. We’ve been through blizzards and hurricanes, but this is something on another level. Of course, the people of WMass are very strong and they’ll get through this, but my thoughts and prayers are with them. I hope yours are, too.

just an observation

innisfree garden

Well, 6 pm has come and gone on the East Coast with nary a hint of Rapture. No earthquake. No one flying up into the sky. Not even a slight rain shower. Life just continued on as my husband, my friend and I enjoyed a glass of wine while all of our kids played together. Of course, I never expected anything to happen, but clearly there is a group of people who did. And as it becomes clearer and clearer to everyone that Harold Camping is a fraud, I’ve noticed how people love to make fun of these people who believed it would happen.

Don’t get me wrong — they’re idiotic. Even if you believe in a Biblical Rapture, the idea of a rolling global earthquake just sounds silly. But what happens to them now? And please don’t say “Who cares?” That seems to be what a lot of people are saying, unfortunately. Because I am a sap, I feel sorry for these people who have lost so much: homes, savings, family… it’s more than I can personally imagine doing for my faith. I hope they’ll get help if they need it. Their disappointment must be great. But instead of making fun of them, I think we really need to show them compassion.

Of course, there is still the click here to donate button on the radio station’s website, and there’s no message stating “We were wrong, sorry” or anything like that, so I can only imagine what the future is for this man. I would hope that he’ll take responsibility. While he does not believe in churches, per se, like it or not, he is the leader of an ersatz church. He is the leader of a flock of sheep (and you can take that metaphor as far as you want to go). He needs a better excuse this time than “miscalculation.”

god bless them all

It just doesn’t feel right typing up the trivial blog post I’d planned for today when all of Poland is mourning the loss of their president, his wife, and many top officials who were killed in a tragic plane crash at a Russian airport. And let’s not forget all the other passengers on board the plane who also perished. Those who have known me for a while know well that I am passionately Polish and I feel a strong connection to the country even though I have yet to travel there. I can’t help but wonder what this means for the future of the country, politically. And while yes it could very well have just been an accident, the conspiracy theorist in me can’t help but raise an eyebrow. It will all be sorted out in time (though hopefully it won’t take too long).

For now, I offer my thoughts and prayers to a nation that is buried in sorrow.

Thank goodness I’m not on *THAT* Jury!

I feel so bad for those jurors on the R. Kelly trial. How gross: they have to watch the 25-minute sex tape! You can read the article on CNN. I’m not linking to it because sometimes when I link to CNN, the post gets trackbacked and I get werido comments. I have to imagine that when they chose the jury for this they made sure they picked people who wouldn’t take issue watching something like that. But seriously – how do you prepare yourself? All I can think of is Dave Chappelle’s hilarious spoof (definitely NOT safe for work or anywhere near kids!). Somehow I doubt that the real tape is anywhere near as funny (in a potty humor kind of way, of course).

Ew. Just… Ew.

Over-the-Top Birthdays

I have a confession: I love, love, love birthdays. I love celebrating. I love making the day of someone’s birth extra special for them. I do not, however, feel like you have to spend a ton of money doing it. I read this story on CNN about over-the-top birthday parties for small children and I just could not believe it.

Two years ago, Stephanie Kaster of Manhattan set out to plan the birthday party of a lifetime for her daughter. Granted, little Sophie didn’t have many parties under her belt with which to compare it: She was not yet 3.

“I just thought, ‘If I go to another paint-a-ceramic-bowl or stuff-a-bear party, I’ll shoot myself,'” says Kaster.

So she booked a fondue restaurant, hired a musical troupe to perform as the Wiggles (her daughter’s favorite group) and ordered a four-layer cake. Each guest took home a Fisher-Price guitar and custom CD.

The price tag? $5,000

Seriously? What kind of message are we sending to our kids when we feel like we have to go to such lengths for a birthday party? Sure we all want to celebrate and “spoil” our children on their big day, but isn’t dropping 5K on a three-year-old’s party a little silly? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. I know most parents have to think long and hard about spending money on “big” presents like an xbox 360 or something, forget about the party itself.

I guess I understand the people who say that if you have the means, why not do it… but how many people can really afford these things? People are defaulting on their mortgages, putting everything on credit cards. I don’t know. The last birthday party we went to was at Jake’s friend’s house. The kids designed their own t-shirts using foam stamps and fabric paint. We played games outside (potato sack race, pass the orange to the next kid without using your hand, hold the balloon between your legs and make it to the finish line without dropping it). My friend used those star-shaped cupcake molds and each child had his or her own chocolate star cake to eat. It was simple and so much fun. The kids played. The adults got to chit-chat. I guess I just wonder why people feel that is not enough? Why do you need to spend hundreds of dollars on a cake? Forget about saving money for a minute… wouldn’t it just be more fun do make it with your child? (They’re not going to care if you’re not an experienced baker, and really anyone can open up a Duncan Hines box.)

We’re already planning Jake’s 6th birthday party, and we’re going to do it at home, as always. We’re going to invite a few of his school friends. Drew is going to do a magic show for the kids, we’ll have plenty of outside games and they can run around. There will be some snacks, and Jake already asked me to make him a robot cake. (He picked it from a cake decorating book I have.) He’s totally excited about it all, and it’s not going to cost a lot of money. Money doesn’t make it magical. The people do. I think this country would be a lot better off if people would understand that.

So that’s what a gas explosion feels like.

A little over an hour ago, there was a very loud “BOOM” and it felt like the whole building shook. In fact, the back door even opened a bit. There’s a massage therapist upstairs so I thought maybe a large piece of equiment fell over, or else maybe a car drove into the building. I went outside to check… nothing. I immediately heard sirens and a helicopter. A little while ago, the therapist came down to ask if I had any idea what happened, and I didn’t. She asked over at the deli and someone said that a house exploded. Sure enough, a house about .25 miles from the store exploded. Here’s a photo and here’s the news story. I pray that there was no one inside. If the explosion was powerful enough over here to give us all a scare, I cannot imagine the force that was felt by the neighbors. My heart aches for these people. I can’t even imagine.

Update: According to this story, the house was under construction (nearly complete), and no one was in the house when it blew up. I see a law suit in the future, though… Can’t help but wonder if the gas lines weren’t clearly marked. Hopefully they’ll get it sorted out.

What Can I Even Say

Lewis Black did a bit about this the last time we had these crazy tax rebates, so I can’t say I’m surprised. It doesn’t make it any less infuriating, though. Talk about a waste of our money. From CNN:

At a cost of nearly $42 million, the IRS wants you to know: Your check is almost in the mail.

The Internal Revenue Service is spending the money on letters to alert taxpayers to expect rebate checks as part of the economic stimulus plan.

The notices are going out this month to an estimated 130 million households who filed returns for the 2006 tax year, at a cost $41.8 million, IRS spokesman John Lipold confirmed.

And then, of course, they’ll have to spend that much again to mail the check out.


You’re on your own, Claire.

utheotw.jpgIt’s been a rather boring night here at work, so I’ve been busy scouring CNN to find stories I haven’t read yet and I came across this: Satellite is weeks away from hitting Earth:

“A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and propulsion and could hit the Earth in late February or March, government officials said Saturday. A senior government official says lawmakers and other nations are being kept apprised of the situation.

The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. “

I immediately thought, “Hey, isn’t this a movie plot?” Those of you familiar with the work of Wim Wenders will immediately think the same thing because that’s part of the plot of “Until the End of the World,” a fantastic early 90s movie. Nick Cave does some music, Tom Waits makes an uncredited appearance, and it’s just this “on the road” kind of movie with this nuclear satellite that is expected to fall to earth and cause imminent danger. That facet of the movie is just kind of in the background the whole time. The movie has a lot more to do with technology and relationships.

Anyway… this was pretty much just a random thought and a random post. Drew will be so proud that this movie (one of his favorites) was the first thing I thought of, though.