Black Friday

So in case you are curious, yes I did go out this morning. I was at Kohl’s at 5, although they opened at 4. I really didn’t think it would be necessary to get there quite so early, but when I rolled in holy cow — the lines were ridiculously long. I didn’t want my espresso machine and diffuser reeds bad enough to wait amongst that chaos. Then I headed over to my only other destination: Staples. I waited in the cold for about 45 minutes until they opened, but it wasn’t so bad. We wanted to buy the color laser printer that was one of the advertised doorbuster deals. I got it, paid, and left within about 5 minutes! Then I headed home. Most of the sales seem to be two day sales so I will go out at a “normal” time tomorrow to check out the other things I was interested in. I finally know what Drew’s “big” present will be, I just have to order it. As much as I’d love to get him High School Musical tickets somehow I don’t think he’d really be into that so I have a few other ideas that are related to music, but are better suited for a 30-something guitar player. I think all of our Christmas shopping will be done before December gets here, so we’ll just be able to relax and enjoy the season!

One Reply to “Black Friday”

  1. Wowser. We did the B.Friday thing at like 11 AM … Target and Walmart weren’t too bad (we got very cheap DVDs, but that’s about it), but the mall was still pretty crazy (we spent about 2 minutes there and came up empty-handed).

    How much was the color laser? I’ve been coveting one for a while, but we have an *awesome* one at work that I borrow when I really need something, so I haven’t broken down and bought one just yet …

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