Birthday Weekend

Hello and Happy Hallo-week! I hope you had a great weekend, as I sure did. It was my birthday and I celebrated turning 49! I am not someone who gets down about birthdays, I am definitely in the “celebrate them!” category. As the saying goes, aging is a privilege denied to many and I am grateful for every year.

Birthday weekend

I kicked things off on Friday night, picking up my favorite combo pizza after getting my daughter from stage crew. Saturday (my birthday) was spent running around and puttering around the house. I made sirloin steaks, baked potatoes, and steamed asparagus for dinner. (Yes, I cooked on my birthday! It’s something I love to do!). And of course there was cake: a chocolate mousse cake decorated like a black cat. Adorable and delicious! Adams Fairacre Farms has the best bakery!

Birthday weekend

Birthday weekend

Saturday was also the first day of early voting here in New York. I have always voted on Election Day because my polling location is literally next door to where I work (connected by the YA books hallway, actually). But this year for a variety of reasons I decided to vote early. With so much at stake (ahem, democracy), I took the opportunity to cast my ballot and get it done. And I am happy to say I had to wait for about a half hour — turnout was amazing! I am always working to get people to register to vote so seeing this made me very happy.

Birthday weekend

Yesterday was spent catching up on housework and spending some time crafting (crochet and cardmaking). I made a pot of potato soup for dinner and we just continued with our “Superstore” rewatch in the evening because we were both wiped out. (D. spent the weekend re-roofing the shed.)

Birthday weekend

And now we start another week! It is tech week for the high school play, so lots of late night pickups are in my future. And, of course, Halloween! We live in a very rural area and don’t get any trick-or-treaters but we will do something special for Storytime this week and of course on Halloween itself at work.

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