I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was fun, though busy. Although the Sheep & Wool festival was at the fairgrounds, I did my best to avoid that general area. I know, I know — I love crochet and knitting. How could I possibly not go to one of the country’s most famous fiber festivals? Honestly, I just didn’t feel like fighting the crowds. I’d rather spend a leisurely afternoon at my favorite yarn store than waiting in a line to check out a booth. But that’s just me.
So Saturday morning I worked at the library, then in the afternoon I went grocery shopping (at a store in the opposite direction, LOL). Yesterday I did a whole lot of cleaning, both inside and out. Time to get the place ready for winter! Last night D. suggested we go out since we’d busted our butts. Oh, Endless Shrimp at Red Lobster… it was so delicious! Of course, now it’s back to the grind. Here’s what I’m planning on for this week’s meal plan:
- Sunday: Out to dinner
- Monday: Turkey burgers, oven fries, steamed broccoli & cauliflower
- Tuesday: Spinach & artichoke pasta, garden salad
- Wednesday: Pot roast (slow cooker), potatoes, veggies
- Thursday: Drew’s cooking since I have a suppertime staff meeting
- Friday: Pizza & salad & birthday cake & whatever else I want 🙂
- Saturday: Leftovers (assuming the kids want to eat after trick-or-treating at the mall and the town hall!)
For more menu ideas, visit Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday feature.
Just found your blog from Org Junkie and wanted to say hi! 🙂 I am also doing a Monday Menu link up as well too if you want to link up. 🙂 Have a great day! Erin