Whew! Finally, life as we know it resumes. The holidays were great, but I’m glad everything is over. I’m glad we’re back to just the regular old pace of things, and a whole year to look forward to. I know a lot of people are recapping their 2006s, but I’m not going to. It was a hard year, but often the most difficult things have the greatest rewards. So 2007 has *got* to be better. Our house *has* to sell. That really is the only thing I’m hoping for — the our house sells and we move before Jake starts kindergarten in the fall. I want to get back to living in a neighborhood where I can go for daily walks, not have to drive miles to buy a gallon of milk, to hopefully make some “real life” friends. I also am looking forward to going to church on a regular basis once we move and getting more involved. (Unless, of course, we’re still here at this time next year in which case I might very well leave the Catholic church for good because if that happens, God really doesn’t like me much, LOL). As for my goals for the year (I don’t want to call them resolutions), they are:
- Lose 15 lbs. Currently I’m hovering around 155. Ideally, I want to get back down to 135, but I’ll take 140. Once we move, we’ll be living somewhere where I can actually go out walking at least once a day, so that will help tremendously. But until then, I just have to put down the cookies.
- Read 12 books. Some people are setting goals of 50 or 70 books, but unless you’re a single college student, I don’t know how realistic that is. If I can read one a month, I’ll be happy. I didn’t finish a single book in 2006, though I started several.
- Knit a lace shawl. My own personal knitting challenge for the year.
- Journal more (in my written journal).
- Do a better job at nurturing my friendships. I was a big slacker in 2006 and was awful about keeping in touch with people.
Our New Year started out nicely. I made waffles and raspberry topping for breakfast. We bought a new Christmas tree (it’s a 7.5 ft., pre-lit tree and was 75% off! Rock!). We took most of the Christmas decorations down. We made London Broil, scalloped potatoes, green beans, and salad for dinner. We put the boys to bed. We watched Monk. And we fell asleep. I can only hope that the rest of the year goes as well as the first day.
I’ve also made it my goal to knit a lace shawl this year. I purchased the yarn and pattern last week and cast on the bottom border yesterday. I’m 24+ rows in now and it wasn’t until reading your post that I realized this is, in fact, a year-long project. O_o
Good luck with yours! What pattern/color are you planning?
Love your goals… and God loves ya… he just might hate the buyers hehehe… I don’t know how people read that many books either… but I did just read 2 books in 3 days lol… but I don’t read anything serious so the stuff reads fast hehehe… but what does a knitted laced shawl look like? Btw… how do you fix your London Broil?