Back in Business!

My blog lapse was actually NOT intentional this time. A couple days after that post, my laptop broke! One morning I opened it up and the right hinge popped and a screw came out. The screen was out of the casing (but not cracked thankfully). It is basically brand-new — I got it for Christmas last year — so I was really upset. Luckily it was still under warrantee so I shipped it off to HP and they fixed it.

They had to send out for parts so it took longer than expected, but I finally have it back and I am soooo happy! It is impossible to blog on my phone and I am just way too busy at work (not to mention… I’m at work, LOL…)

So summer is rolling right along. It has been very hectic, I’m not going to lie. And being down a staff member at work has made it hard, too. I’ve been stretching myself and making everything happen, but I was very happy to get the OK to advertise for a new hire. I can’t keep this pace up long-term.

Kids are good. N. is coming home from NYLT tomorrow (National Youth Leadership Training for Boy Scouts). He has basically been gone for three weeks, so we all are looking forward to having him back. L. has rec camp again this week and J. will be working there as a counselor.

Then we will celebrate the boys’ birthdays. Then it’s Dutchess County Fair week, which around here is kind of the unofficial end of summer. After that things slow way down, and I love that last week in August. To me it’s really the only “lazy summer days” that we get to experience. No camps. My summer reading program is over. And we start to get ourselves back into routines. Around here school doesn’t start until after Labor Day, so we still have that bit of time.

Hope all is well in your world! Back soon!

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