attic24 bag ta-dah!

Wow, I can’t believe how long it took me to finish this. What should have been a relatively quick project took over three months. But I’ve finished it and I’m pretty happy with my attic24 bag. Noah seems to like it a great deal. He tried to sneak off with it and use it to store some Hot Wheels cars, but no — this is my new project bag.

attic24 bag

attic24 bag flower detail

I altered the pattern slightly by crocheting two decrease rows before the scallop edging. I wanted the bag to go back in a little bit. I think one row would have been sufficient, looking back on it. If I do another one, I’ll also not make the bottom so large. This makes a very B-I-G bag. But now I can focus on some smaller projects:

ready for the next project

… a few more pumpkin hats for some sweet little babies with cold heads! Then winter hats for my dad and Drew, some fingerless mitts for myself, and oh yes I still plan to cast on for Colonnade. Hopefully I can breeze through the hats because I’m really itching to switch back to knitting and start working on this shawl.

2 Replies to “attic24 bag ta-dah!”

  1. Love all the colors. Now, you know you have to have good name for this one. You are one step ahead of me. I just finish the straps and am now moving onto the little flowers…. Aren’t these just too much fun. Especially, when filled with the next project of yarn… which I can see peeking out…. Besure, to post some WIP on what you have going on inside of here.

    Is that Vanna I see?

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