a tale of two birthdays

Over the last few days we celebrated two big birthdays: Jake turned 8 and Noah turned 5! Because their birthdays are just a couple days apart, it’s easy to lump them together, but this year we made a real effort to make them to very separate days. We celebrated Jake’s birthday in WMass at my parents’ house. But before we left we had to have our annual special birthday breakfast, complete with sugar cereal and presents!

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It’s just a fun way to begin the day. 🙂 Jake requested a pizza party and that made it easy for me. We just ordered a couple pizzas and that was that. Instead of a cake he wanted me to make a cookie pizza. It might not have come out perfect, but he was thrilled with it and that’s all that mattered!

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He got so many great gifts: lots of clothes, books and toys. Enough to keep him busy for a while (at least I hope so!). Yesterday was Noah’s birthday and we started the day the same as Jake’s: special fun cereal and birthday gifts:

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Then it was off to swimming lessons at the pond. The boys had a good time splashing around and playing with the other kids. They played around at home all day and Noah requested breakfast for dinner, so we made eggs, bacon, homefries, and fruit salad. Noah wanted “Dirt Cake” — again I got off easy! I threw it together in the morning and my little guy was so excited.

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Noah’s such a happy-go-lucky kid. The simplest things make his day! I think they both had fun birthdays. I sure hope so because I tried to make them great!

5 Replies to “a tale of two birthdays”

  1. How fun! It’s so different to have a birthday a few days before Christmas, smack in the middle of winter. It’s so much more limiting, but also kind of fun in a weird way.

  2. Happy birthday to your little men! Mmmm, dirt cake! Yum! My husband still requests a cookie pizza (or cookie cake) for his birthday. Still a kid at heart at age 35! 🙂

  3. I can’t believe how big our kids are getting. Loved both the pictures of them. I also love the sugar cereal for birthday breakfast idea. Sadly that won’t work as well here as Michael is BAD about buying crap cereal anytime he goes shopping so the kids get more of it than they would otherwise. 🙂 Your boys are just so cute!!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. They’re getting so big! Those cakes look awesome! Glad they had wonderful birthdays. Lucas has a “Luke” cup just like Noah’s “Noah” cup! 🙂

  5. Carol, please wish a happy belated birthday to Jake and Noah from us, especially Mikayla and Ben. Mikayla has had Jake-withdrawal and I think Ben’s suffered a bit of Noah-withdrawal.

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