Although in just under two weeks Drew & I will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary, today is our 10th dating anniversary! That’s right, 10 years ago today I took the Commuter Rail out to Framingham for an afternoon picnic with the guy from Rosemary Caine. (Because seriously — I am not the type of girl who would go for a futures broker or doctor or lawyer. No thanks, I’ve always preferred the creative types.) Rosemary Caine was a band from Amherst College and I love, love, loved their music. Love. Still do. Drew made us ham and cheese sandwiches, cucumber salad, and this crazy dessert with chocolate pudding and peanut butter and carried it all in his vintage houndstooth-check paper suitcase.
We got along fabulously. I spilled a glass of wine in his lap (and I believe I broke the wine glass). And a gentle soul named Billy kept bothering us riding his bike over to talk to us. There was a halfway house nearby for folks who are mentally challenged, and he told us that is where he lived. He also predicted that we would get married. (Remember – it was our first date!)
Well, we never did find an address to send Billy an invitation, but three years later we tied the knot.
Kisses, sweetie! Here’s to many more years of spilling wine on your lap 😉
Seriously, this post was just wonderful! CONGRATULATIONS to you guys on 10 years of being together! Can you believe it? I can just imagine you guys having a terrific picnic together. You’re really made for each other ~ you’re such an awesome couple!!! So what did you think of Drew during your first date? Did you immediately know that he was “the one”?
Awwww what a sweet story! I love first date, falling in love kind of stories like that. This totally gave me one of those movie in my mind kind of moments, with the suitcase and the guy riding around on the bicycle… The part where you accidentally dumped wine in Drew’s lap reminded me of a time when on our first vacation together I once dumped accidentally dumped a beer in Lewin’s lap!
That’s lovely! Congratulations. What a wonderful story! Complete with wine spilling and everything … hehehe. I’m so jealous that you (and so many others) have a “first date” story and (I’m not sure about you, but after that one, I’d guess) a “proposal” story. We were friends … and the proposal just… happened. Nothing cool to tell the grand kids.
Time really has a way of going fast when you’re enjoying yourself, I guess. Congrats on 10 years.