The crib can go any day now!

A while ago I had mentioned that we were thinking about moving Noah from the crib to a bed soon. We still haven’t gotten the extra twin bed from my MIL’s (the one that matches Jake’s — these beds belonged to Drew and his brother when they were little), but I am itching to do it, especially if the house doesn’t sell. I’m anxious to redecorate the guest room and turn it into his room! I’ve been looking at kids bedding and trying to decide what would work with the wall color in there (which is a pretty mustard color — perfect for him, no?). I’m super excited to pick out a quilt or comforter for him because we let Drew’s mom get Jake’s, so we never knew what she’d chosen until she gave it to him. Even though he’s not quite two, I’m confident he’ll do fine in a regular-sized bed. He slept in the bed with me on vacation, and he is always laying around in Jake’s bed, so I think he’s ready. Now we just have to get everything else ready!

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